Lake, Stream & Wetland Ecology

Program Overview

We believe that humans can live sustainably with our aquatic resources, ensuring plentiful clean water for future human generations while also supporting the ecosystems that we value and that support our recreation, businesses, and industries. Our teams develop tools and techniques that help society move into this sustainable future, characterizing, measuring and documenting the improvements made along the way. We also provide research, methods development, new technologies, and analysis services to support this vision and our clients.

Program Goals

Develop science-based tools, materials and technologies to assess and protect our water resources, and restore them if degraded.

Unique Strengths, Expertise and Capabilities

Our interdisciplinary team of experts in data science and the fundamental biological and chemical aquatic sciences work together to develop various applications for natural and engineered aquatic systems, including aquatic ecosystem restoration, water treatment and remediation, and water quality monitoring and management. By incorporating an understanding of natural environmental processes, science and engineering fundamentals, we apply a systems-based approach to develop holistic solutions to pressing environmental problems.

Research Labs

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Profile Lucinda Johnson
Senior Research Fellow
Pat Schoff headshot
Research Associate
Valerie Brady headshot
Sr. Research Associate, Aquatic Ecologist, Interim Water Research Group Leader
Profile Elizabeth Alexson
Associate Research Scientist, Aquatic Ecology
Profile David Burge
Phytoplankton Associate Scientist
Head and shoulders image of Meijun Cai
Research Technical Manager, Environmental Engineer
Aquatic Scientist
Head and shoulder picture of a woman.
Senior Research Program Manager, Environmental Engineer
Profile Devin Edge
Environmental Analytical Chemist
Chris Filstrup headshot
Applied Limnologist
Malachi Granmo headshot
Research Staff Scientist, Aquatic Scientist
Profile Bob Hell
Principal Laboratory Technician
Jerry Henneck headshot
Senior Research Scientist
Profile Maddie Homstad
Senior Laboratory Technician
Profile Paul Jeffrey
Research Technician, Aquatic Ecologist
Igor Kolomitsyn headshot
Research Associate
Head and shoulder picture of a woman.
Research Associate
Profile Kari Pierce
Research Technician, Aquatic Ecologist
Profile Euan Reavie
Sr. Research Associate
Profile Leah Schleppenbach
Principal Laboratory Technician, Aquatic Ecologist
Bridget Ulrich headshot
Aqueous Geochemist
Profile Amber Ulseth
Aquatic Ecologist
Profile Holly Wellard Kelly
Aquatic Scientist
Profile Andrew Wood
Environmental Genomics Researcher

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NRRI receives $2.33M from the EPA to support research teams that monitor shorelines from Thunder Bay to Green Bay.

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Large numbers of tiny things can be a big problem. Applied Limnologist Chris Filstrup digs into the data of harmful algae blooms.

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For three UMD undergrads, classroom learning comes alive doing NRRI field and lab work.

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Bottom of food web keeps aquatic scientist Elizabeth Alexson at the top of her game.

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