Update for Legislators

2025 Updates

Stay tuned for NRRI 2025 updates.  

Past Updates

The following updates and events are from 2024 or earlier, and are here for archive purposes only. 

NRRI Receives State Investment

May 24, 2023 - Funding provides base to expand project portfolio, broaden expertise and attract federal funds to Minnesota. Read the article here

2023 Biennial Legislative Request

  1. View the NRRI 2023 Biennial Legislative Request
  2. See how NRRI Strategic Initiatives are making real impact on Minnesota. 

2019 Projects Funded by Legislative Appropriations - LCCMR Funds

NRRI has delivered these impactful demonstration projects funded by the Minnesota state legislature through the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR).

Project Dates 07/01/2019 – 06/30/2022

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Cross-Platform Projects | Completed 06/30/2022

Status Report: Projects Completed 06/30/2022

  1. Develop and demonstrate an online decision support tool for management of MN’s forest landscapes (MnForcast.org): $500,000
  2. Expand MN’s Natural Resource Atlas (MnAtlas.org) statewide with data layers now totaling over 500 – making spatial data accessible to all: $800,000
  3. Demonstrate biochar application for forest health projects with support from the Minnesota Forest Resources Council: $400,000
  4. Advance technologies to produce clean syngas from Minnesota’s beetle-killed forest residuals and other biomass: $500,000
  5. Pilot mobile water treatment demonstration systems for sulfate reduction; successful demonstration at two wastewater treatment plants: $300,000
  6. Characterize Western Mesabi Range to better understand the remaining ore resources and product opportunities: $275,000
  7. Develop emerging hydrometallurgy technologies that deliver greater efficiency while reducing environmental impacts: $158,000
  8. Survey non-battery, high capacity/low cost energy storage options for Minnesota with site evaluations: $150,000

2019 LCCMR Projects

These projects were funded by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR). 

Project Dates 07/01/2019 – 06/30/2022

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Cross-Platform Projects | Completed 06/30/2022

Status Report: Projects Completed 06/30/2022

  1. Managing Minnesota’s Forest Birds of Conservation Concern to improve forest management with a 4-year study of habitat needs of three bird species: $500,000
  2. Maximizing Wildlife, Water, and Productivity in Peatland Forests by assessing vegetation, hydrology, and wildlife responses to management in forested peatlands: $600,000 (UMN Lead)
  3. Deploying artificial Den Boxes for Fishers; Monitored 100 den boxes in northern MN for use by fishers, martens and tree squirrels to evaluate the role in fisher habitat management: $190,000

2021 Projects Funded by Legislative LCCMR Appropriations

Your legislative support is critical to help NRRI meet our mission of delivering integrated research solutions for Minnesota challenges.

Project Dates 07/01/2021 – 06/30/2023

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Minerals and Water

Appropriation End Date: June 30, 2023

Demonstration of 3 Sulfate Reduction Technology Applications $300,000

Status: Ongoing engagement with state and federal agencies and local communities to initiate 2022 deployment of mobile pilot test units to demonstrate sulfate reduction in mine pit waters.

Next-Generation Technologies and New Iron Products $450,000

Status: Exploring new frontiers for Minnesota’s iron industry. Completed mineral characterization of oxidized ore formations to support process technology evaluation.

Forest and Bioeconomy

Appropriation End Date: June 30, 2023

State-wide Expansion of Forest Management Tool $500,000

Status: Acquired data to permit expanded state footprint for tool architecture. Currently engaging state stakeholders to customize tool for 2023 deployment. 

Accelerated Biochar Development Capability $380,000 

Status: Defined investment in pilot biochar kiln for installation and commissioning in 2023 to support rapid development and demonstration of new biochar products.

2021 Legislative Appropriation

Higher Education Budget: Infrastructure and research support $500,000

Status: Targeted investment at NRRI Coleraine to replace and expand characterization, mineral processing and metallurgy capabilities to increase service to Minnesota’s iron industry

Seven Cross-platform Research Projects Funded by the LCCMR in 2021

M.L. 2021 Projects (2021)

  • Trout Stream Habitat Restoration Success $319,000
    A study to evaluate the effectiveness and durability of previous trout stream habitat restoration projects to improve the success and cost effectiveness of future projects. With funding received in August, 2021, researchers collected pre-restoration data from two northern Minnesota streams scheduled for restoration in summer 2022. This summer (2022) researchers will evaluate several streams that were restored in past years. Because of the complexity of this project, it will continue until June 30, 2025.
  • What’s Bugging Minnesota's Insect-Eating Birds? $199,000 
    A study to examine the relationship between insect abundance, timing of insect availability, and breeding success of bird species across land-use intensities to develop comprehensive guidelines for conserving bird and insect diversity.


M.L. 2021 Projects (2020)

  • Bobcat and Fisher Habitat Use and Interactions $400,00
    A study to identify potential solutions to reverse the fisher population decline through better understanding of habitat, diet, and activity patterns of bobcats and fishers.
  • Conserving Black Terns and Forster's Terns in Minnesota $198,000 
    A study to assess the distribution, breeding status, and habitat needs of Black Tern and Forster's Tern to make restoration recommendations to increase and improve breeding habitat for these two bird species of conservation concern in Minnesota.
  • Emerald Ash Borer and Black Ash: Maintaining Forests and Benefits $700,000
    Use of ongoing experiments to determine statewide long-term emerald ash borer impacts on water, vegetation, and wildlife to determine optimal replacement species for ash, identify practices for forest diversification, and develop criteria for prioritizing mitigation activities.
  • Testing Effectiveness of Aquatic Invasive Species Removal Methods $110,000
    Research to test how well boat-cleaning methods work, to provide the Department of Natural Resources with a risk assessment, and to provide recommendations for improving boat-launch cleaning stations to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species. Funding became available in late summer, 2021, too late to begin work on this project until 2022. Currently the research team is working with the Minnesota-based CD3 waterless cleaning station company to retrofit one of their cleaning stations so that the amount of material removed from test boats during cleaning can be scientifically quantified and improvement recommendations made. Testing of this waterless cleaning station is expected to begin in late summer of 2022.
  • Lignin-Coated Fertilizers for Phosphate Control $250,000
    Research to test a new, natural, slow-release fertilizer coating made from processed wood to decrease phosphorus runoff from farmland while also storing carbon in soils.