Integrated Expertise: NRRI Research Programs

With over 200 research projects underway, NRRI's programs help define and organize the projects into 12 manageable - and evolving - areas of focus. 

Developing technologies and methodologies that enhance energy efficiency and reduce effluent associated with extraction, separation, and processing of iron ore and other minerals.

Research focused on monitoring and understanding the impacts of climate change on various ecosystems to mitigate risks and develop potential adaptation strategies.

Research to assess the health and function of natural ecosystems, human impacts, and remediation strategies.

Understanding the characteristics, production, and application of fit-for-purpose biocarbon products to develop sustainable solutions for environmental challenges and industrial needs.

Leveraging geologic science and geochemistry to understand Minnesota’s resource potential while driving sustainable resource utilization.

Understanding the ecosystem needs of terrestrial and aquatic wildlife to inform conservation, restoration and management efforts of natural resources. 

Commercializing and improving fast-growing trees for various applications, including bioenergy production, carbon sequestration and environmental remediation.

Development of extractive metallurgy processes that reduce carbon and other emissions to isolate metallic products from Minnesota minerals.

Learning to harness the power of the sun and photosynthesis to fix atmospheric carbon and convert biomass to green fuels by leveraging the emerging hydrogen economy.

Cross-cutting institute expertise that supports all NRRI programs and projects, from developing custom web applications for visualizing data to material testing, and spatial analysis.

Developing innovative, renewable, bio-based materials that can replace petroleum-based materials in various industries and applications to reduce carbon emissions.

A multi-disciplinary program that studies water quality, with a focus on developing solutions to manage water resource sustainably.