Featured NRRI News

Articles from the marketing and communications staff at NRRI. 

Wildlife biologist finds NRRI research on the 'wild side' fits her life and passion.

Enthused by ‘all things science-y’ makes NRRI a good fit for this microbiologist.

NRRI’s ‘Fens’ acreage is key to understanding valuable wetlands restoration efforts.

Future focus on a new building at NRRI's Coleraine site will provide space to keep pace with research.

Continual updating of NRRI’s Duluth facility helps solid foundation stands test of time.

Developing new techniques for ballast water testing

Aquatic ecology career calls to UMD graduate student

From college coursework to real-world application, Matt Young has built a career on a foundation of wood.

Public invited Sept. 16 to learn about integrated research aimed at today’s challenges

NRRI researchers find that size of fire matters less than intensity of the blaze.