Featured NRRI News

Articles from the marketing and communications staff at NRRI. 

Bottom of food web keeps aquatic scientist Elizabeth Alexson at the top of her game.

Last sale up north of materials from deconstructed homes: Oct. 23 & 24, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 2024 Carnegie Street, Oliver WI. Just over the bridge from Gary-New Duluth.

NRRI to lead a team of scientists to collect and analyze contaminating chemicals in the Great Lakes.

NRRI's five-year bat study leads to master's candidate unexpected new knowledge about bat guts and insects using eDNA.

NRRI funding awarded between January 1 and August 28, 2020

Research shows bridge builders that building with wood can save time and money while sequestering carbon.

Eighteen months ago, Jeff Kinkel took on a challenging role at NRRI that makes him grateful for the team approach.

NRRI and industry partner receive patent on a first step invention that can lead to sulfate remediation in water systems. 

Biochar is gaining interest around the globe. NRRI is working to understand its potential for environmental remediation and as a new market for forest resources.

Pandemic doesn’t slow down new NRRIer in new product development