Featured NRRI News

Articles from the marketing and communications staff at NRRI. 

Why do some wild rice restoration sites thrive while others don't? NRRI research is searching for answers.

Beavers are busy on North Shore streams. Do their dams impact stream hydrology and fish populations?

NRRI highlights collaborative research spanning 35 years and gets excited for the future!

Adventurous entrepreneur turns to NRRI to move idea to market.

"The view from up here is great!"

NRRI researchers use radio telemetry and experimentation to help diminishing turtle species.

NRRI researchers are helping two social enterprises find value in abandoned homes.

Innovative iron ore research at the University's Mines Experiment Station, led by E.W. Davis, saved the Iron Range. Learn how it continues to resonate.

All new technologies travel a trajectory to refinement and acceptance. New materials of the bioeconomy are no different. NRRI seeks funding to smooth the trajectory path.

Toxic algal blooms on Lake of the Woods should have cleared up. But the blooms persist. Why?