Top 5 Climate Change Stories of 2023

Favorite five 2023 stories about NRRI research addressing climate change challenges.

We've said it many times, in many ways... NRRI research is focused on the future. And we can't look ahead without concern about our planet's changing climate. As I look out the window at a snowless Minnesota landscape and temps in the mid-30s on the downside of December, the evidence of a warming planet is omnipresent.

So, to share a bit of hope, I've pulled up our Top Five 2023 research stories related to addressing climate change. NRRI is preparing, sequestering, innovating and protecting. Together we can make thoughtful decisions each day – mindful of harmful emissions in our activities – to make a big impact.

Best wishes for a prosperous new year.

June Breneman, Editor
Manager Marketing & Communications
[email protected]

Top 5 Climate Change Stories of 2023

  1. Ancient biochar method revamped for modern climate challenges: NRRI demonstration project transforms wildfire fuel into carbon-sequestering, soil-enhancing biocarbon material (includes short video). 
  2. Iron and steel industries are all in for 'decarbonization': NRRI builds partnerships to develop carbon reduction strategies for Minnesota’s iron producers.
  3. NRRI helps battery recycler explore sustainable biocarbon: Gopher Resource leads federally funded projects to reduce the use of fossil coal in recycling process.
  4. Carbon sequestering bog site holds valuable wetlands research: NRRI’s ‘Fens’ acreage is key to understanding valuable wetlands restoration efforts.
  5. 'Sentinel Landscape' buffers military training base: NRRI study maps conservation opportunities for Camp Ripley Sentinel Landscape in face of climate change.