Spatiotemporal dynamics of cyanobacterium Dolichospermum lemmermannii populations in a bloom-prone region of Lake Superior Recent Publications: Elizabeth Alexson
Phytoplankton trends in the Laurentian Great Lakes (2001–2021) reveal significant changes in phytoplankton abundance and taxonomic composition Recent Publications: Elizabeth Alexson
Dolichospermum blooms in Lake Superior: DNA-based approach provides insight to the past, present and future of blooms Recent Publications: Elizabeth Alexson
Revision of the needle-shaped Fragilaria species (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta) in the Laurentian Great Lakes (United States of America, Canada) Recent Publications: Elizabeth Alexson
Analysis of the type of Synedra acus var. ostenfeldii (Bacillariophyta) and its transfer to the genus Fragilaria Recent Publications: Elizabeth Alexson
Morphological variation around the Pantocsekiella comensis complex in the Laurentian Great Lakes Recent Publications: Elizabeth Alexson
Paleolimnology of a freshwater estuary to inform Area of Concern nutrient delisting efforts Recent Publications: Elizabeth Alexson
Community capacity and climate change in the Laurentian Great Lakes Region: the importance of social, human, and political capital for community responses to climate-driven disturbances Recent Publications: Lucinda Johnson
Building a research network to better understand climate governance in the Great Lakes Recent Publications: Lucinda Johnson
Updated census in the Laurentian Great Lakes Watershed: A framework for determining the relationship between the population and this aquatic resource Recent Publications: Lucinda Johnson
Understanding Effects of Climate Change and Eutrophication on Fish Habitat in Glacial Lakes of the Midwest States and Management Strategies Recent Publications: Lucinda Johnson
Macroinvertebrate and Fish Community Metrics: Confounding Effects and Consistency over Time Recent Publications: Lucinda Johnson
Hotspots and bright spots in functional and taxonomic fish diversity Recent Publications: Lucinda Johnson
Spatiotemporal dynamics of cyanobacterium Dolichospermum lemmermannii populations in a bloom-prone region of Lake Superior Recent NRRI Publications
Stable isotope analysis of western Lake Superior predatory fishes, part one: Trophic niche overlap Recent NRRI Publications
Phytoplankton trends in the Laurentian Great Lakes (2001–2021) reveal significant changes in phytoplankton abundance and taxonomic composition Recent NRRI Publications
A Conterminous United States–Wide Validation of Relative Tidal Elevation Products Recent NRRI Publications
Rising seas could cross thresholds for initiating coastal wetland drowning within decades across much of the United States Recent NRRI Publications
Visible Local Stakeholders in a Natural Resources Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience in General Chemistry II Laboratory Recent NRRI Publications
Incorporating Measurements of Vertical Land Motion in Wetland Surface Elevation Change Analyses Recent NRRI Publications
Understanding Marsh Elevation and Accretion Processes and Vulnerability to Rising Sea Levels Across Climatic and Geomorphic Gradients in California, USA Recent NRRI Publications
Comparing Wetland Elevation Change Using a Surface Elevation Table, Digital Level, and Total Station Recent NRRI Publications
21st Avenue West Remediation to Restoration Project: Biological Survey and Hydrodynamic Modeling Results Digital Conservancy
A 15 and 20-Year Summary of Breeding Bird Trends in National Forests of Northern Minnesota and Wisconsin Digital Conservancy
Revision of the needle-shaped Fragilaria species (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta) in the Laurentian Great Lakes (United States of America, Canada) Recent Publications: Meagan Aliff
Metallic elements and oxides and their relevance to Laurentian Great Lakes geochemistry Recent Publications: Meagan Aliff
Anthropocene geochemistry of metals in sediment cores from the Laurentian Great Lakes Recent Publications: Meagan Aliff
Sediment geochemistry reveals the Anthropocene history of metals in the Great Lakes Recent Publications: Meagan Aliff
Evaluation of a method for ballast water risk–release assessment using a protist surrogate Recent Publications: Meagan Aliff
Evaluation of a method for ballast water risk-release assessment using a protist surrogate Recent Publications: Meagan Aliff
Technical report: land-based performance evaluation in ambient and augmented Duluth-Superior Harbor water of eight commercially available ballast water treatment system filter units Recent Publications: Meagan Aliff
Results of Shipboard Approval Tests of Ballast Water Treatment Systems in Freshwater Recent Publications: Meagan Aliff
Cross-laminated strand veneer lumber mass timber panels from thermally modified strands Recent Publications: Matt Aro
Highly Efficient Removal of CO<sub>2</sub> Using Water-Lean KHCO<sub>3</sub>/Isopropanol Solutions Recent Publications: Matt Aro
Particle size analysis of airborne wood dust produced from sawing thermally modified wood Recent Publications: Matt Aro
Tensile strength of thermally modified laminated strand lumber and laminated veneer lumber Recent Publications: Matt Aro
Mechanical and physical properties of thermally modified plywood and oriented strand board panels Recent Publications: Matt Aro
A depth-adjusted ambient distribution approach for setting numeric removal targets for a Great Lakes Area of Concern beneficial use impairment: Degraded benthos Recent Publications: Will Bartsch
Exploration of spatial variability in nearshore water quality using the first Great Lakes National Coastal Condition Assessment survey Recent Publications: Will Bartsch
Linking place-based science to people through spatial narratives of coastal stewardship Recent Publications: Will Bartsch
Evaluating a Great Lakes scale landscape stressor index to assess water quality in the St. Louis River Area of Concern Recent Publications: Will Bartsch
Potential impacts of emerald ash borer and adaptation strategies on wildlife communities in black ash wetlands Recent Publications: Josh Bednar
Habitats and landscapes associated with bird species in a lowland conifer-dominated ecosystem Recent Publications: Josh Bednar
Habitats and landscapes associated with bird species in a lowland conifer-dominated ecosystem Recent Publications: Josh Bednar
Stable isotope analysis of western Lake Superior predatory fishes, part one: Trophic niche overlap Recent Publications: Valerie Brady
Quantifying the effectiveness of three aquatic invasive species prevention methods Recent Publications: Valerie Brady
An Index of biotic condition (IBC) using birds as indicators of coastal wetland quality in North America's Laurentian Great Lakes Recent Publications: Valerie Brady
Walleye and yellow perch resource use in large lakes invaded by spiny water fleas and zebra mussels Recent Publications: Valerie Brady
Influences of seasonality and habitat quality on Great Lakes coastal wetland fish community composition and diets Recent Publications: Valerie Brady
Lines snag spines! A field test of recreational angling gear ensnarement of Bythotrephes Recent Publications: Valerie Brady
Macroinvertebrate and Fish Community Metrics: Confounding Effects and Consistency over Time Recent Publications: Valerie Brady
A Basin-Wide Survey of Coastal Wetlands of the Laurentian Great Lakes: Development and Comparison of Water Quality Indices Recent Publications: Valerie Brady
Hotspots and bright spots in functional and taxonomic fish diversity Recent Publications: Valerie Brady
Phytoplankton trends in the Laurentian Great Lakes (2001–2021) reveal significant changes in phytoplankton abundance and taxonomic composition Recent Publications: Meijun Cai
Inhalable, elongate mineral particles from lake sediment records trace mining activities in northern Minnesota Recent Publications: Meijun Cai
Characterization and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in PM<sub>2.5</sub> in Xiamen Port Recent Publications: Meijun Cai
Characterization and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in PM<sub>2.5</sub> in Xiamen Port Recent Publications: Meijun Cai
Size distributions and dry deposition fluxes of water-soluble inorganic nitrogen in atmospheric aerosols in Xiamen Bay, China Recent Publications: Meijun Cai
Size distributions and health risks of particle-bound toxic elements in the southeast coastland of China Recent Publications: Meijun Cai
Long-term primary production trends in the Laurentian Great Lakes: a comparison of geochemical methods Recent Publications: Meijun Cai
Chemical nature of PM<sub>2.5</sub> and PM<sub>10</sub> in the coastal urban Xiamen, China: Insights into the impacts of shipping emissions and health risk Recent Publications: Meijun Cai
Aquatic invasive species exhibit contrasting seasonal detectability patterns based on environmental DNA: Implications for monitoring Recent Publications: Chan Lan Chun
Bioelectrochemical reactor to manage anthropogenic sulfate pollution for freshwater ecosystems: Mathematical modeling and experimental validation Recent Publications: Chan Lan Chun
Environmental DNA storage and extraction method affects detectability for multiple aquatic invasive species Recent Publications: Chan Lan Chun
High-Throughput Microfluidic Quantitative PCR Platform for the Simultaneous Quantification of Pathogens, Fecal Indicator Bacteria, and Microbial Source Tracking Markers Recent Publications: Chan Lan Chun
Enrichment of psychrophilic and acidophilic sulfate-reducing bacterial consortia-a solution toward acid mine drainage treatment in cold regions Recent Publications: Chan Lan Chun
Quantitative Dissolution of Environmentally Accessible Iron Residing in Iron-Rich Minerals: A Review Recent Publications: Chan Lan Chun
Association between submerged aquatic vegetation and elevated levels of Escherichia coli and potential bacterial pathogens in freshwater lakes Recent Publications: Chan Lan Chun
Fecal microbiota transplantation reverses antibiotic and chemotherapy-induced gut dysbiosis in mice Recent Publications: Chan Lan Chun
Spatial and temporal characterization of epiphytic microbial communities associated with Eurasian watermilfoil: A highly invasive macrophyte in North America Recent Publications: Chan Lan Chun
Transcriptomic basis of genome by genome variation in a legume-rhizobia mutualism Recent Publications: Chan Lan Chun
Mechanical and physical properties of thermally modified plywood and oriented strand board panels Recent Publications: Patrick Donahue
Walleye and yellow perch resource use in large lakes invaded by spiny water fleas and zebra mussels Recent Publications: Josh Dumke
Influences of seasonality and habitat quality on Great Lakes coastal wetland fish community composition and diets Recent Publications: Josh Dumke
Lines snag spines! A field test of recreational angling gear ensnarement of Bythotrephes Recent Publications: Josh Dumke
Walleye growth declines following zebra mussel and Bythotrephes invasion Recent Publications: Josh Dumke
Identification of Black Bullhead (Ameiurus melas) and Brown Bullhead (A. nebulosus) from the Western Great Lakes: Recommendations for Small Individuals Recent Publications: Josh Dumke
Could a harvest-based citizen science program be an effective contribution to fisheries research? Recent Publications: Josh Dumke
Channel morphology response to selective wood removals in a sand-laden Wisconsin trout stream Recent Publications: Josh Dumke
Revision of the needle-shaped Fragilaria species (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta) in the Laurentian Great Lakes (United States of America, Canada) Recent Publications: Lisa Estepp
Diatom and geochemical paleolimnology reveals a history of multiple stressors and recovery on Lake Ontario Recent Publications: Lisa Estepp
Size matters: diatom establishment and extirpation timing in the Laurentian Great Lakes has been influenced by cell size Recent Publications: Lisa Estepp
Morphological variation around the Pantocsekiella comensis complex in the Laurentian Great Lakes Recent Publications: Lisa Estepp
Climate warming and changes in Cyclotella sensu lato in the Laurentian Great Lakes Recent Publications: Lisa Estepp
Decreases in diatom cell size during the 20th century in the Laurentian Great Lakes: A response to warming waters? Recent Publications: Lisa Estepp
Technical report: land-based performance evaluation in ambient and augmented Duluth-Superior Harbor water of eight commercially available ballast water treatment system filter units Recent Publications: Lisa Estepp
Results of Shipboard Approval Tests of Ballast Water Treatment Systems in Freshwater Recent Publications: Lisa Estepp
Connecting tributary mercury loads to nearshore and offshore sediments in Lake Superior Recent Publications: Christopher Filstrup
Zooplankton-phytoplankton biomass and diversity relationships in the Great Lakes Recent Publications: Christopher Filstrup
Fire Characteristics and Hydrologic Connectivity Influence Short-Term Responses of North Temperate Lakes to Wildfire Recent Publications: Christopher Filstrup
Individual species and site dynamics are the main drivers of spatial scaling of stability in aquatic communities Recent Publications: Christopher Filstrup
Paradox versus paradigm: A disconnect between understanding and management of freshwater cyanobacterial harmful algae blooms Recent Publications: Christopher Filstrup
Dolichospermum blooms in Lake Superior: DNA-based approach provides insight to the past, present and future of blooms Recent Publications: Christopher Filstrup
Ecological prediction at macroscales using big data: Does sampling design matter? Recent Publications: Christopher Filstrup
Utility of a PCR-based method for rapid and specific detection of toxigenic Microcystis spp. in farm ponds Recent Publications: Christopher Filstrup
Increasing accuracy of lake nutrient predictions in thousands of lakes by leveraging water clarity data Recent Publications: Christopher Filstrup
Is limnology becoming increasingly abiotic, riverine, and global? Recent Publications: Christopher Filstrup
Incorporating weather in counts and trends of migrating Common Nighthawks Recent Publications: Alexis Grinde
Stopover regions, phenology, and spatiotemporal group dynamics of adult and juvenile common terns Sterna hirundo from inland lakes in North America Recent Publications: Alexis Grinde
Habitat use and characteristics of Connecticut Warbler during the nesting and post-fledging period Recent Publications: Alexis Grinde
Effects of stand age, tree species, and climate on water table fluctuations and estimated evapotranspiration in managed peatland forests Recent Publications: Alexis Grinde
Point count offsets for estimating population sizes of north American landbirds Recent Publications: Alexis Grinde
Evaluating At-Risk Black Ash Wetlands as Biodiversity Hotspots in Northern Forests Recent Publications: Alexis Grinde
Effects of human land use on avian functional and taxonomic diversity within the upland coastal zone of the North American Great Lakes Recent Publications: Alexis Grinde
Effects of human land use on avian functional and taxonomic diversity within the upland coastal zone of the North American Great Lakes Recent Publications: Alexis Grinde
Potential impacts of emerald ash borer and adaptation strategies on wildlife communities in black ash wetlands Recent Publications: Alexis Grinde
A Conterminous United States–Wide Validation of Relative Tidal Elevation Products Recent Publications: Glenn Guntenspergen
Rising seas could cross thresholds for initiating coastal wetland drowning within decades across much of the United States Recent Publications: Glenn Guntenspergen
Current Advances in Coastal Wetland Elevation Dynamics: Introduction to the Special Issue Recent Publications: Glenn Guntenspergen
Incorporating Measurements of Vertical Land Motion in Wetland Surface Elevation Change Analyses Recent Publications: Glenn Guntenspergen
Microtopographic Variation as a Potential Early Indicator of Ecosystem State Change and Vulnerability in Salt Marshes Recent Publications: Glenn Guntenspergen
Understanding Marsh Elevation and Accretion Processes and Vulnerability to Rising Sea Levels Across Climatic and Geomorphic Gradients in California, USA Recent Publications: Glenn Guntenspergen
Nonlinear Patterns of Surface Elevation Change in Coastal Wetlands: the Value of Generalized Additive Models for Quantifying Rates of Change Recent Publications: Glenn Guntenspergen
Comparing Wetland Elevation Change Using a Surface Elevation Table, Digital Level, and Total Station Recent Publications: Glenn Guntenspergen
Examining inequality in aquatic ecosystem services: Evidence from large-scale monitoring programs Recent Publications: Glenn Guntenspergen
Observing coastal wetland transitions using national land cover products Recent Publications: Glenn Guntenspergen
Lead isotope study of veins in the archean ishpeming greenstone belt, Michigan Recent Publications: Rodney Johnson
Geology of volcanic rocks in the south half of the Ishpeming greenstone belt, Michigan Recent Publications: Rodney Johnson
Archean geology of the northern block of the Ishpeming Greenstone Belt, Marquette County, Michigan Recent Publications: Rodney Johnson
Great Lakes coastal fish habitat classification and assessment Recent Publications: Kristofer Johnson
A dynamic thermal model for predicting internal temperature of tree cavities and nest boxes Recent Publications: Michael Joyce
Temperature shapes movement and habitat selection by a heat-sensitive ungulate Recent Publications: Michael Joyce
Detection of coarse woody debris using airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) Recent Publications: Michael Joyce
Variation in Spot and Stripe Patterns in Original and Regenerated Zebrafish Caudal Fins Recent Publications: Michael Joyce
The F-BAR domain of SRGP-1 facilitates cell-cell adhesion during C. elegans morphogenesis Recent Publications: Michael Joyce
Thermo-mechanical characterization of HDPE-tobacco lignin blends Recent Publications: Oleksiy Kacharov
New derivatives of trifluoroacetyl acetaldehyde and trifluoroaldol Recent Publications: Oleksiy Kacharov
Regioselective reactions of β-aminovinyl trifluoromethyl ketones with tosyl isocyanate Recent Publications: Oleksiy Kacharov
Reaction of α-halogen substituted β-ethoxyvinyl trifluoromethyl ketones with 2-aminopyridine: New route to trifluoroacetyl-containing heterocycles Recent Publications: Oleksiy Kacharov
Synthesis and properties of α-iodo-β-ethoxyvinyl trifluoromethyl ketone Recent Publications: Oleksiy Kacharov
Regioselective reactions of N-monosubstituted β-aminovinyl trifluoromethyl ketones with tosyl isocyanate Recent Publications: Oleksiy Kacharov
Transition Metal/Base-Catalyzed Aldol Reactions of Isocyanoacetic Acid Derivatives with Prochiral Ketones, a Straightforward Approach to Stereochemically Defined β,β-Disubstituted-β-hydroxy-α-amino Acids. 1 Scope and Limitations Recent Publications: Oleksiy Kacharov
Transition metal-catalyzed diastereoselective aldol reactions of prochiral ketones with methyl isocyanoacetate Recent Publications: Oleksiy Kacharov
Gold(I)-catalyzed asymmetric aldol reactions of isocyanoacetic acid derivatives with fluoroaryl aldehydes Recent Publications: Oleksiy Kacharov
Weak ion exchange particulate medium prepared from phenol-containing organic matter for anions contained in aqueous solutions. Recent Publications: Igor Kolomitsyn
Analysis and antiproliferative activity of bark extractives of Betula neoalaskana and B. papyrifera. Synthesis of the most active extractive component - Betulin 3-caffeate Recent Publications: Igor Kolomitsyn
Trifuoroperacetic acid in consecutive Criegee rearrangement and carboxonium ions generation Recent Publications: Igor Kolomitsyn
Double- and triple-consecutive O-insertion into tert-butyl and triarylmethyl structures Recent Publications: Igor Kolomitsyn
Layered double hydroxides as catalysts for aromatic nitrile hydrolysis Recent Publications: Igor Kolomitsyn
Heterolytic decarboxylation involving acyltrifluoroacetyl peroxide intermediates Recent Publications: Igor Kolomitsyn
A consecutive double-Criegee rearrangement using TFPAA: Stepwise conversion of homoadamantane to oxahomoadamantanes Recent Publications: Igor Kolomitsyn
Observation of a stable carbocation in a consecutive Criegee rearrangement with trifluoroperacetic acid Recent Publications: Igor Kolomitsyn
Selective C-H activation of alipathic hydrocarbons under phase-transfer conditions Recent Publications: Igor Kolomitsyn
New derivatives of lupane triterpenoids disturb breast cancer mitochondria and induce cell death Recent Publications: Oksana Kolomitsyna
Dimethylaminopyridine derivatives of lupane triterpenoids cause mitochondrial disruption and induce the permeability transition Recent Publications: Oksana Kolomitsyna
Triterpene derivatives that inhibit human immunodeficiency virus type 1 replication Recent Publications: Oksana Kolomitsyna
Dimethylaminopyridine derivatives of lupane triterpenoids are potent disruptors of mitochondrial structure and function Recent Publications: Oksana Kolomitsyna
Phytoplankton trends in the Laurentian Great Lakes (2001–2021) reveal significant changes in phytoplankton abundance and taxonomic composition Recent Publications: Ekaterina Kovalenko
Understanding Marsh Elevation and Accretion Processes and Vulnerability to Rising Sea Levels Across Climatic and Geomorphic Gradients in California, USA Recent Publications: Ekaterina Kovalenko
Comparing Wetland Elevation Change Using a Surface Elevation Table, Digital Level, and Total Station Recent Publications: Ekaterina Kovalenko
Examining inequality in aquatic ecosystem services: Evidence from large-scale monitoring programs Recent Publications: Ekaterina Kovalenko
Zooplankton-phytoplankton biomass and diversity relationships in the Great Lakes Recent Publications: Ekaterina Kovalenko
Widespread retreat of coastal habitat is likely at warming levels above 1.5 °C Recent Publications: Ekaterina Kovalenko
Walleye and yellow perch resource use in large lakes invaded by spiny water fleas and zebra mussels Recent Publications: Ekaterina Kovalenko
Aquatic ecosystem services: an overview of the Special Issue Recent Publications: Ekaterina Kovalenko
Regional, multi-lake anthropogenic changes revealed through macroscale paleolimnology of diatom assemblages Recent Publications: Ekaterina Kovalenko
Spatial Heterogeneity in Hedonic Price Effects for Lake Water Quality Recent Publications: Saleh Mamun
Valuing water quality in the United States using a national dataset on property values Recent Publications: Saleh Mamun
Discrete Choice Experiment on Renewable Portfolio Standards to Map Household Preferences Recent Publications: Saleh Mamun
Private vs. public prisons? A dynamic analysis of the long-term tradeoffs between cost-efficiency and recidivism in the US prison system Recent Publications: Saleh Mamun
Supply, operational, and market risk reduction opportunities: Managing risk at a cellulosic biorefinery Recent Publications: Saleh Mamun
Multi-Resource Analysis: A Proof of Concept Study of Natural Resource Tradeoffs in the Piceance Basin, Colorado, Using the Net Resources Assessment (NetRA) Decision Support Tool Recent Publications: Saleh Mamun
Setting a baseline for Integrated Landscape Design: Cost and risk assessment in herbaceous feedstock supply chains Recent Publications: Saleh Mamun
Interdependencies Between Energy, the Environment, and Stakeholder Choices Recent Publications: Saleh Mamun
Reply to Thornton and Murray: Models for Canada lynx conservation planning require nuance Recent Publications: Ron Moen
Influences of aquatic and terrestrial habitat characteristics on abundance patterns of adult wood turtles Recent Publications: Ron Moen
Influence of temporary emigration on wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) detectability, with implications for abundance estimation Recent Publications: Ron Moen
A dynamic thermal model for predicting internal temperature of tree cavities and nest boxes Recent Publications: Ron Moen
Statistical population reconstruction of moose (Alces alces) in northeastern Minnesota using integrated population models Recent Publications: Ron Moen
Evaluating the threshold density hypothesis for moose (Alces alces), white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), and parelaphostrongylus tenuis Recent Publications: Ron Moen
Temperature shapes movement and habitat selection by a heat-sensitive ungulate Recent Publications: Ron Moen
Using movement ecology to investigate meningeal worm risk in moose, Alces alces Recent Publications: Ron Moen
A regional analysis of Glyptemys insculpta (Wood turtle) survival in the Upper Midwest of the USA Recent Publications: Ron Moen
Inhalable, elongate mineral particles from lake sediment records trace mining activities in northern Minnesota Recent Publications: Stephen Monson Geerts
Particle size analysis of airborne wood dust produced from sawing thermally modified wood Recent Publications: Stephen Monson Geerts
Second generation micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor, 120 MOUDI-II: Design, Evaluation, and application to long-term ambient sampling Recent Publications: Stephen Monson Geerts
Establishment of regional phytoremediation buffer systems for ecological restoration in the great lakes basin, usa. Ii. new clones show exceptional promise Recent Publications: Neil Nelson
Establishment of regional phytoremediation buffer systems for ecological restoration in the great lakes basin, usa. I. genotype × environment interactions Recent Publications: Neil Nelson
Growth performance of hybrid poplar clones on two agricultural sites with and without early irrigation and fertilization Recent Publications: Neil Nelson
Growth performance and stability of hybrid poplar clones in simultaneous tests on six sites Recent Publications: Neil Nelson
Will photosynthetic capacity of aspen trees acclimate after long-term exposure to elevated CO<sub>2</sub> and O<sub>3</sub>? Recent Publications: Neil Nelson
Leaf size and surface characteristics of Betula papyrifera exposed to elevated CO<sub>2</sub> and O<sub>3</sub> Recent Publications: Neil Nelson
Effects of decadal exposure to interacting elevated CO<sub>2</sub> and/or O<sub>3</sub> on paper birch (Betula papyrifera) reproduction Recent Publications: Neil Nelson
Wood properties of trembling aspen and paper birch after 5 years of exposure to elevated concentrations of CO<sub>2</sub> and O<sub>3</sub> Recent Publications: Neil Nelson
Connecting tributary mercury loads to nearshore and offshore sediments in Lake Superior Recent Publications: Euan Reavie
Phytoplankton trends in the Laurentian Great Lakes (2001–2021) reveal significant changes in phytoplankton abundance and taxonomic composition Recent Publications: Euan Reavie
Zooplankton-phytoplankton biomass and diversity relationships in the Great Lakes Recent Publications: Euan Reavie
Anthropogenic stressor impacts on hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen in Lake Erie: A chironomid-based paleolimnological assessment Recent Publications: Euan Reavie
Eutrophication, water quality, and fisheries: a wicked management problem with insights from a century of change in Lake Erie Recent Publications: Euan Reavie
Environmental optima for common diatoms from Ontario lakes along gradients of lakewater pH, total phosphorus concentration, and depth Recent Publications: Euan Reavie
Paradox versus paradigm: A disconnect between understanding and management of freshwater cyanobacterial harmful algae blooms Recent Publications: Euan Reavie
Regional, multi-lake anthropogenic changes revealed through macroscale paleolimnology of diatom assemblages Recent Publications: Euan Reavie
Revision of the needle-shaped Fragilaria species (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta) in the Laurentian Great Lakes (United States of America, Canada) Recent Publications: Euan Reavie
Gonadal Development in Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus Dolomieu) Reared in the Absence and Presence of 17-α-Ethinylestradiol Recent Publications: Patrick Schoff
Testicular oocytes in smallmouth bass in northeastern Minnesota in relation to varying levels of human activity Recent Publications: Patrick Schoff
Agrochemicals increase trematode infections in a declining amphibian species Recent Publications: Patrick Schoff
Effects of methoprene, its metabolites, and breakdown products on retinoid-activated pathways in transfected cell lines Recent Publications: Patrick Schoff
Prevalence of skeletal and eye malformations in frogs from North-Central United States: Estimations based on collections from randomly selected sites Recent Publications: Patrick Schoff
Inhibition of retinoid activity by components of a paper mill effluent Recent Publications: Patrick Schoff
Localization of ruffe testicular antigens by a panel of antibodies Recent Publications: Patrick Schoff
Stimulation of bovine sperm motility and respiration by the triazine dye cibacron blue F3GA Recent Publications: Patrick Schoff
Manipulation of bovine sperm metabolism and motility using anoxia and phosphodiesterase inhibitors Recent Publications: Patrick Schoff
Visible Local Stakeholders in a Natural Resources Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience in General Chemistry II Laboratory Recent Publications: Eric Singsaas
A novel technique of paper mill sludge conversion to bioethanol toward sustainable energy production: Effect of fiber recovery on the saccharification hydrolysis and fermentation Recent Publications: Eric Singsaas
Paper mill sludge as a source of sugars for use in the production of bioethanol and isoprene Recent Publications: Eric Singsaas
Production of multiple biofuels from Whole Camelina Material: A renewable energy crop Recent Publications: Eric Singsaas
Bio- plastics from lignin is a key enabler of a biorefinery implementation Recent Publications: Eric Singsaas
Soybean proteins GmTic110 and GmPsbP are crucial for chloroplast development and function Recent Publications: Eric Singsaas
Technical possibilities of bioethanol production from coffee pulp: A renewable feedstock Recent Publications: Eric Singsaas
Bioconversion of paper mill sludge to bioethanol in the presence of accelerants or hydrogen peroxide pretreatment Recent Publications: Eric Singsaas
Surfactant addition to alkali solutions for increased carbon dioxide absorption rates Recent Publications: Brett Spigarelli
Increased carbon dioxide absorption rates in carbonate solutions through surfactant addition Recent Publications: Brett Spigarelli
Enhanced ex-situ mineral carbonation at ambient conditions with industrial waste Recent Publications: Brett Spigarelli
Equilibrium analysis of carbon dioxide absorption in alkali solutions Recent Publications: Brett Spigarelli
Synthesis and characterization of supported bimetallic overlayer catalysts Recent Publications: Brett Spigarelli
Correlation of H<sub>2</sub> heat of adsorption and ethylene hydrogenation activity for supported Re@Pd overlayer catalysts Recent Publications: Brett Spigarelli
Directed deposition synthesis of supported bimetallic overlayer catalysts Recent Publications: Brett Spigarelli
Field evaluation of a biochar-amended stormwater filtration system for retention of nutrients, metals, and Escherichia coli Recent Publications: Bridget Ulrich
A closer look at underground natural gas pipeline leaks across the United States Recent Publications: Bridget Ulrich
Exploring the Utility of Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis for Assessing Ferrous Iron-Mediated Reduction of RDX in the Subsurface Recent Publications: Bridget Ulrich
Estimating natural gas emissions from underground pipelines using surface concentration measurements<sup>☆</sup> Recent Publications: Bridget Ulrich
Biochar-augmented biofilters to improve pollutant removal from stormwater-can they improve receiving water quality? Recent Publications: Bridget Ulrich
Natural gas emissions from underground pipelines and implications for leak detection Recent Publications: Bridget Ulrich
Mineral identity, natural organic matter, and repeated contaminant exposures do not affect the carbon and nitrogen isotope fractionation of 2,4-dinitroanisole during abiotic reduction Recent Publications: Bridget Ulrich
Different Mechanisms of Alkaline and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of the Insensitive Munition Component 2,4-Dinitroanisole Lead to Identical Products Recent Publications: Bridget Ulrich
Organic Carbon Amendments for Enhanced Biological Attenuation of Trace Organic Contaminants in Biochar-Amended Stormwater Biofilters Recent Publications: Bridget Ulrich
Simulating the effects of climate variability on waterbodies and wetland-dependent birds in the Prairie Pothole Region Recent Publications: Chris Wright
Recent grassland losses are concentrated around U.S. ethanol refineries Recent Publications: Chris Wright
Characterizing the Climate-Driven Collapses and Expansions of Wetland Habitats with a Fully Integrated Surface–Subsurface Hydrologic Model Recent Publications: Chris Wright
US agricultural policy, land use change, and biofuels: Are we driving our way to the next dust bowl? Recent Publications: Chris Wright
Land surface anomalies preceding the 2010 Russian heat wave and a link to the North Atlantic oscillation Recent Publications: Chris Wright
Hydrological dynamics of temporary wetlands in the southern Great Plains as a function of surrounding land use Recent Publications: Chris Wright
Dynamic connectivity of temporary wetlands in the southern Great Plains Recent Publications: Chris Wright
Climate forcing of wetland landscape connectivity in the Great Plains Recent Publications: Chris Wright
Reply to Kline et al. Cropland data layer provides a valid assessment of recent grassland conversion in the Western Corn Belt Recent Publications: Chris Wright
Toxicity of lupane derivatives on anionic membrane models, isolated rat mitochondria and selected human cell lines: Role of terminal alkyl chains Recent Publications: Sergiy Yemets
Paleolimnology of a freshwater estuary to inform Area of Concern nutrient delisting efforts Recent Publications: Sergiy Yemets
Triterpene derivatives that inhibit human immunodeficiency virus type 1 replication Recent Publications: Sergiy Yemets
Synthesis of 2,3-trans disubstituted tetrahydrofurans through sequential xanthate radical addition-substitution reactions Recent Publications: Sergiy Yemets
Synthesis and some chemical properties of the 6-arylsulfonyl-6-polyfluoroalkanoyl-5,6-dihydro-2H-thiins - New fluorine-containing ketones Recent Publications: Sergiy Yemets
Synthesis of 5,6-dihydro-2H-thiins and 2,3-dihydro-1,4-oxathiins based on 1-benzylsulfonyl-1,1-dihydropolyfluoroalkan-2-ones Recent Publications: Sergiy Yemets
Alkylation of 1-phenyl-3,5-disubstituted pyrazoles with polyfluorinated aliphatic aldehydes: Properties of 1-phenyl-4-(1-hydroxypolyfluoroalkyl)pyrazole derivatives Recent Publications: Sergiy Yemets
Inhalable, elongate mineral particles from lake sediment records trace mining activities in northern Minnesota Recent Publications: Lawrence Zanko
Investigations of electrical conductivity and damage healing of graphite nano-platelet (GNP)-taconite modified asphalt materials Recent Publications: Lawrence Zanko
Case study: Electrochemical Geo-Oxidation (ECGO) treatment of Massachusetts New Bedford Harbor sediment PCBs Recent Publications: Lawrence Zanko
Metallic elements and oxides and their relevance to Laurentian Great Lakes geochemistry Recent Publications: Lawrence Zanko
Anthropocene geochemistry of metals in sediment cores from the Laurentian Great Lakes Recent Publications: Lawrence Zanko
Sediment geochemistry reveals the Anthropocene history of metals in the Great Lakes Recent Publications: Lawrence Zanko
Construction aggregate potential of minnesota taconite industry byproducts Recent Publications: Lawrence Zanko
Using recycled taconite as alternative aggregate in asphalt pavements Recent Publications: Lawrence Zanko
Enhanced stabilization of dikes and levees using direct current technology Recent Publications: Lawrence Zanko
Increasing marsh bird abundance in coastal wetlands of the Great Lakes, 2011–2021, likely caused by increasing water levels Recent Publications: Annie Bracey
Incorporating weather in counts and trends of migrating Common Nighthawks Recent Publications: Annie Bracey
Stopover regions, phenology, and spatiotemporal group dynamics of adult and juvenile common terns Sterna hirundo from inland lakes in North America Recent Publications: Annie Bracey
An Index of biotic condition (IBC) using birds as indicators of coastal wetland quality in North America's Laurentian Great Lakes Recent Publications: Annie Bracey
Application of habitat association models across regions: Useful explanatory power retained in wetland bird case study Recent Publications: Annie Bracey
Weak genetic structure, shared nonbreeding areas, and extensive movement in a declining waterbird Recent Publications: Annie Bracey
Effects of human land use on avian functional and taxonomic diversity within the upland coastal zone of the North American Great Lakes Recent Publications: Annie Bracey
Effects of human land use on avian functional and taxonomic diversity within the upland coastal zone of the North American Great Lakes Recent Publications: Annie Bracey
Foraging Ecology Differentiates Life Stages and Mercury Exposure in Common Terns (Sterna hirundo) Recent Publications: Annie Bracey
Prioritizing coastal wetlands for marsh bird conservation in the U.S. Great Lakes Recent Publications: Annie Bracey