Temperatures and habitat changes push species into ‘Zone of Sympatry’ with northern cousins.

Technology Review Board vets proposals via ‘shark tank’ style pitches.

NRRI cross-disciplinary research explores availability of food sources for declining species of bug-eating birds.

Strategic Initiatives

To meet our mission of delivering integrated research solutions, NRRI is focused on three strategic initiatives that address the challenges of Minnesota’s resource-based economy. These initiatives are bold and long-term efforts to create the economy of the future by incorporating diverse expertise across NRRI, the University system and with our partners.

The Power of Integration | Annual Report FY2024

Sample Research Projects

The ForCAST tool attempts to provide forestry professionals and land managers with an opportunity to evaluate how a changing climate and changing markets might affect Minnesota’s forests and

Documenting long-term population trends of breeding forest birds in the Chippewa and Superior National Forests.

Demonstration of a Thermally Modified Eastern Larch Boardwalk to Catalyze New Markets for Low-value Timber.

A website of the state's carnivore species -- from the tiny least weasel to the black bear.

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