Chris Wright Ph.D.

Chris Wright headshot
Professional Title
Research Associate

My current research is centered on natural climate solutions, in this case using forests to capture and store excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. My previous research has addressed agricultural land use/land cover change, effects of climate change on the Prairie Pothole Region, maintenance of habitat connectivity for wildlife, and remote sensing methods for ecosystem monitoring at continental scales.


  • B.A. Williams College
  • M.S. Montana State University
  • Ph.D. Montana State University

Recent Publications


NRRI News Articles

Aerial view of Camp Ripley

NRRI study maps conservation opportunities for Camp Ripley Sentinel Landscape in face of climate change.

rocky stream with heavily forested banks

NRRI report on Ecosystem Services applies a monetary value to School Trust Lands ability to store carbon and improve environmental health.

View of pine trees trees looking up from ground

There's growing interest across the country to monetize the natural process of carbon capture in forests. NRRI is hosting a workshop to start conversations.